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PACE Published Information Note On Ad Hoc Committee Conclusions


Dec 22 2009

PACE website posted the information note by the co-rapporteurs on
the conclusions of the Ad Hoc Committee of the National Assembly of
Armenia on March 1-2 2008 events. NEWS.am issues the monitoring text.

"The recommendations of the ad hoc Committee of the National
Assembly of Armenia into the events of 1 and 2 March 2008 provide
&’a comprehensive, although not complete’ response to the political
crisis, according to an information note by the co-rapporteurs for
the monitoring of Armenia of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council
of Europe (PACE) made public this week,

In their note, Georges Colombier (France, EPP/CD) and John Prescott
(United Kingdom, SOC) said the recommendations were regrettably not
complemented by a comprehensive analysis of the events of 1 and 2
March, which they felt was rather one-sided, and gave the impression
that the committee wanted to avoid criticising the authorities. They
strongly regretted the almost total lack of analysis of developments
that followed these events, and expressed concern at the lack of
concrete results from the inquiry into the 10 fatalities that occurred.

The co-rapporteurs recommended the continuation of a special
body of the parliament to oversee implementation of the report’s
recommendations and conduct further inquiries where necessary. They
said they would closely follow this matter in the framework of the
regular monitoring of Armenia and report back to PACE’s Monitoring
Committee at a future meeting."

Tatoyan Vazgen:
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