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NKR: House-Warming On The Threshold Of New Year’s Day

Laura Grigoryan

Azat Artsakh Newspaper NKR
December 23, 2009

The programs directed to improvement of socio-economic conditions
of servicemen, especially the question of providing them with flats
always remain and are in the focus of attention of NKR authorities
and commanding stuff of Defence Army. On December 18th the building
being reconstructed for servicemen was put into operation in
Shushi: 36 servicemen of Defence Army celebrated house-warming.
The NKR President Bako Sahakyan, RA and NKR ministers of Defence
Seyran Ohanyan and Movses Hakobyan, officials, high-ranking officers,
guests were present at the solemn ceremony of openning of the building.

Celebrating house-warming on the threshold of New Year’s day is
of course merriment. It’s double merriment and symbolic, that it
takes part in reviving Shushi. The NKR President Bako Sahakyan and
ministers of Defence of the two armenian republics handed over the
owners the sertificates of new flats. Congratulating on the occasion
of house-warming, it was hoped, that they henceforth would refer with
higher responsibility to their official duties. High-ranking guests
and participants of the ceremony got acquainted with the flats’
conditions and construction works. The three-storied building was
reconstructed by "Amur" construction organization. It’s the third
building, that the organization reconstructed and put into operation
in Shushi. It’s quite a fact, that quality of works and level of
comfort rise year by year. 340 million drams had been allocated only
to construction works, the director of "Amur" company Henry Musaelyan
informed. According to him, a great part of builders is from Shushi,
they worked with love and diligence.

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