When March 1 Topic Will Be Closed



"Until the Nuremberg trial did not take place, the Second World War
topic was not closed down. Until such a trial does not take place
in Armenia, the March 1 topic will not be closed down", said the HAK
coordinator Levon Zurabyan. He noted that the efforts of the government
to see the March 1 topic closed is in vain and it will not succeed
until the real criminals are not revealed. Levon Zurabyan noted that
one of the proofs that the March 1 topic is not over is that the PACE
co-reporters on Armenia Prescott and Colombier are going to note in
their report which is to be heard in January that the Police did not
act adequately and legally on March 1.

According to Levon Zurabyan’s assessment, the co-reporters tried and
managed to present the truth in the report at the same time remaining
in the frameworks of diplomatic compliments which corresponds to the
strategy of western structures.

Nevertheless, Levon Zurabyan says the fact that the report of
the co-reporters will be discussed in January proves that the NA
commission headed by Samvel Nikoyan to study March 1 was just trying
to confirm the official version of the government and in their work
all the facts were purposely mutated.