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Azerbaijani Propaganda Film Presents Distorted Facts On Kojalu


16:55 ~U 25.12.09

The RA Ministry of Defense Department of Information and Public
Relations has issued a statement advising Azerbaijan’s agitprop
members to be more attentive and not disseminate false truths, so
that they may not be so obvious and so easily revealed.

The Armenian Minisry of Defense’s statement reads:

"An Azerbaijani ‘film’ about Kojalu appeared on the internet the day
before, where ‘hospitable and peaceful’ Azerbaijanis were describing
Kojalu’s ‘tragedy’.

"There are numerous fake news and distorted facts in this Azerbaijani
propaganda ‘film’ based on obvious lies.

"Brazenly untrue are comments from the book ‘written’ by Zori Balayan.

Just a few months ago, Balayan had announced himself that he did not
write such a book.

"It is noted in the film that Kojalu’s escaped residents were
shot near the Armenian village of Nakhichevanik. This fact also
doesn’t correspond to reality, since in February 1992, the village
of Nakhichevanik, found near Aghtam, was not under the control of
Armenian military force.

"The film concludes on a sad note, with heart-wrenching music,
and with the apparent photos of victims and witnesses of the
events. It becomes evident after just a 1-2-minute [internet]
search that one of the photos is that of an injured Armenian child
which was printed in the December 5, 1991, issue of [the Russian
publication] Komsomolets Kuzbass; the article is titled ‘Long Road
to Erkech.’ The electronic version of this article is available at

Kafian Jirair:
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