BAKU: Armenia Is Aware That Javakheti Does Not Belong To It

Kamala Mammadova
Dec 24 2009

Malkhaz Gulashvili News.Az interviews Malkhaz Gulashvili, president
and founder of Georgian Times Media Holding.

What can you say about recognition of breakaway Abkhazia by a tiny
island of Nauru? Do you think it will be followed by recognition of
Georgia’s breakaway region by other countries?

This is another step that Russia and Abkhazia use to reach the world
recognition and it does not matter whether the recognizing country
is big or tiny. This country is a subject of international law and
it is used in world geopolitical games.

Nauru and other countries have recognized independence of Abkhazia but
I think that there is a need for a new configuration in the Caucasus
that would take into account the national and state interests
of Georgia and national interests of Russia for the purpose of
establishing peace in the region. Russia and Georgia will cooperate
to this end.

Much has recently been spoken of possible resumption of air
communication between Georgia and Russia and opening of Upper Lars. Is
the thaw in Georgian-Russian relations possible by New Year?

Initially, we with the Russian Social Chamber raised the issue
of restoration of air communication between Moscow and Tbilisi,
return of Georgian agricultural products to the Russian market,
opening of the Lars checkpoint in 2008. We also raised this issue
before Russian President Dmitri Medvedev at the recent media forum
and let no one attribute this to himself. We have set this issue to
improve relations between peoples. When air communication is restored,
this will be a system regulation.

We expect the air communication to resume after New Year, our
production to enter the Russian market and the Lars checkpoint to open
for Georgia. By the way, the news agencies have already declared that
the first direct flight between Moscow and Tbilisi will resume from
26 December.

Is the return of South Ossetia and Abkhazia under Georgia’s control

In order to return Sukhumi and Tkhinvali, the people of Georgia
should first return the Abkhazian and Ossetian people. We need to work
much in this direction. We are working together with the Abkhaz and
Ossetian communities and the community of Russia to soften relations
and intensify them. We should open the closed arteries for business,
economy and transport and help refugees return to their homelands.

Armenians have intensified their claims on ancient Georgian Javakheti.

How do you evaluate the current Georgian-Armenian relations, in
particular, the recent "Church scandal"?

Armenians consider that Armenia’s claims on Javakheti are a provocation
against them. This is primarily a bad action towards Armenians. Armenia
understands that Javakheti does not belong to them and Armenians
settled there after they were driven away from Turkey.

Certainly, we should create the best conditions for them, but all
those attempts to prove that they are discriminated in Georgia are
a lie. I also would like to inform you that the social and economic
problems are deteriorated in Javakheti and other regions of Georgia.

We should join efforts to settle this issue.

The church scandal seems to be used by others. Houses and a church
collapsed but these were amortized buildings. The city administration
did not react to this problem in time. We are really upset about it.

What can be the positive and negative implications of opening of
borders between Turkey and Armenia for Georgia?

The positive thing in the opening of borders between Armenia and
Turkey will be the victory of peace in the Caucasus. Opportunities
will appear for implementation of the concept of peaceful Caucasus
which implies resolution of conflicts in this region by means of
economic methods. Georgia will have an opportunity to become a central
moderator for the purpose of peaceful resolution in the Caucasus.

Georgia’s revenues will drop but Georgian tax and customs services
will be more mobilized and try to compete the Turkish customs services.