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NKR: Heads Of Regional Administrations Were Assigned The Final Tasks


NKR Government Information and
Public Relations Department
December 22, 2009

Today, a conference with the participation of the Minister of
Agriculture, heads of regional administrations and the Executive
Director of "The Assistance to Village and Agriculture Fund" at the
NKR Ministry of Agriculture was convoked at NKR Prime Minister Ara
Haroutyunyan. Issues related to agricultural activities, particularly,
those of ploughing and sowing processes implemented in the Republic
were discussed at the conference. Minister of Agriculture A.Tsatryan
presented the latest data according to which 50 thousand hectare
tillage and more than 46 thousand hectare sowing activities were
implemented in the Republic. These activities are still in process,
part of the lands will be left fallow. The Director of "Assistance
to Village and Agriculture Fund" was charged with a task to carry
out inspections based on the data by December 30, so that land users
having fulfilled land cultivation within the defined terms will be
rendered the state financial assistance for fallowing activities. Armo
Tsatryan presented some information about the procurement of chemical
weed- and pest- killers and seeds of spring sowing plants, about
their quantity and distribution. Further on, heads of regional
administrations provided some information about the implemented works.

They noted that combating against rodents yields desirable results.

The Government Head assigned to be consistent and to conduct everyday
monitoring in the zones of pest control. The damages caused by
phylloxera and the ways of insect control were touched upon as well.

The perspective of development of swine-breeding was discussed at
the conference.

The stock-breeders who have experienced loss of swine that was recorded
by the corresponding committees created by that time and who have
not received pecuniary compensation will be rendered piglets by the
state since January 1. According to the primary records more than 6
thousand livestock compensation must be rendered. The Prime Minister
charged the fund with a task to carry out inspections since January
1 aimed at specifying the records.

At the conference issues concerning the process of credit repayment,
maize realization and other ones were discussed.

The Head of the Government stated that his estimation of the
implemented works and assigned tasks will be given during his tours
to NKR regions at the beginning of January.

Varosian Antranik:
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