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Oligarchy Is The Threat



On December 24, summing up and assessing the year 2009, the
representative of the Armenian National Congress David Shahnazaryan
said the year did not bring any achievement to Armenia, instead
the economic decrease showed that the oligarchic system is one of
the threats to the Armenian national security. According to David
Shahnazaryan, the year showed that the transitional period in Armenia
finished and the dictatorial regime is firmed.

In the home life, according to David Shahnazaryan, persecution
of opposition is still going on and the government keeps showing
its face, the bright example of which is the trial against Nikol
Pashinyan. David Shahnazaryan does not see any positive thing in the
foreign political sphere and says the Armenian and Turkish process
has since the beginning been dead and it is over for everyone-
both Turkey and the international community and only the Armenian
government tries to find ways to soften the impact of its mistake. "The
Armenian government seems to have understood the consequence of its
adventurousness. I would rather say the consequence of its mistake
and a mistake in politics is a crime", says the HAK member.

At the same time though, David Shahnazaryan saying that the Armenian
and Turkish process and the Karabakh issue are one package, adds
that the international community in 2010 will enhance its pressure to
procure some progress in the Karabakh issue. He says the fact that the
OSCE Minsk group co-chairs visited Baku in December but not Armenia
proves that they do not have any question to discuss with Armenia.

Shahnazaryan says an agreement of frameworks may be not signed but
there may only be some arrangement moreover the OSCE practice supposes
for this. David Shahnazaryan cannot predict when exactly it will take
place saying that "it is a matter of months".

Nargizian David:
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