Categories: News

Azerbaijan’s Media Go On With Disinformation


Dec 25 2009

The Foreign Ministry of the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic has issued
a statement on recent acts of falsification and disinformation in
Azerbaijani media outlets. In particular, this time it spread a
disinformation on fatality case at the Azerbaijan-Nagorno-Karabakh
Republic border. During a single day, Azerbaijan’s media over and
over again wrote controversial news.

First, a killed at the border woman was ‘a woman killed by Armenian
soldier’, then it was ‘a woman, killed by Azerbaijani soldier’, she
was ‘an Armenian woman’ and ‘an Azerbaijani woman’ at the same time;
and finally, a picture of a Georgian woman killed during the war in
South Osetia, 2008, was attached as an image to news.

"The Azerbaijani media one more time tried to put our country in bad
light," said in the statement by NKR foreign ministry.

"Azerbaijan’s media have been practicing falsifications and
disinformation in their anti-Armenian acts for a very long time. And
this is not only our side confirming this. Russian New Region edition
said this is at least the third case of falsification over the last
three months, when Azerbaijani media used pictures from clashes in
other countries to prove ‘acts of Armenian aggression’. New Region
edition mentioned a disinformation by Azerbaijani Vesti.az Agency when
a picture of a killed in August 2008 Georgian soldier was attached
to news on ‘losses of the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic after its Armed
forces attacked Azerbaijan’. In fact, it was exactly the backwards.

"Besides, the New Region edition confirmed another disinformation by
Azerbaijani media. This time, it was an attached picture ‘of Armenian
aggression’ actually represented by a picture of killed people in
Kosovo, found on a Canadian French site," said in statement.

Some other cases of disinformation and falsification were found
on various Azerbaijani web-sites, including those found on Heydar
Aliyev Foundation’s pages. Incidentally, its director is a First Lady
of Azerbaijan.

"One more time we have to confirm that on the background of the ongoing
bilateral meetings between Presidents of Armenia and Azerbaijan and
optimistic statements by international mediators on the process of
settlement of the conflict, Azerbaijani government and its mentoring
media keep on the aggressive informational war against Armenia and
the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic.

"Unfortunately, such a destructive policy by Azerbaijan’s government
could destroy long-term peace efforts if the world communities didn’t
respond this.

"We hope these Azerbaijani acts of disinformation and falsifications
will get an appropriate response in the upcoming year."

Kalashian Nyrie:
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