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BAKU: President Obama Kept His Promise To Armenians, Azerbaijani Pol


Dec 25 2009

Rasim Musabeyov If Turkey does not ratify the protocols with Armenia,
the US will not recognize the so-called Armenian "genocide", said
Rasim Musabeyov.

Serious Armenian politicians understand that in case Turkey does
not ratify the protocols with Armenia, the United States will not
recognize the so-called Armenian "genocide", political scientist
Rasim Musabeyov told.

"The matter is that President Obama has already kept his promise to
Armenians and called the 1915 events in Osman Turkey "mets yegern"
in Armenian in April this year. He called it the way Armenians
call these events. So, they should not expect anything more from
Obama in this direction. Naturally, the United States need Turkey
on different vitally important issues of the US policy in the Near
East, Central Asia, therefore, I do not think Armenia will be able to
interest Washington so much that the latter will worsen its relations
with Ankara. The situation is different and West’s interests are
directed into a different area, therefore, they do not need Armenians
"services", the political scientist said.

"I think the reason of most problems of Armenians lies in their
ambitions and political appetites that exceed the potential of their
digestion. Armenians have a good grasp reflex but after seizing a large
peace, like it often happened, Armenians suffered from indigestion and
started to shift the blame on others from outside. The same happened
with Karabakh, after seizing the Azerbaijani lands, Armenians were not
able to cut them off or digest what stuck in their teeth", Musabeyov.

"The population of Armenia reduced from 3 to 2 million people in
the past 15 years, migration process continues and has recently
intensified. In the result, there will be no one to support and
maintain the functionality of the Armenian state. Therefore, today it
would be easier for Armenians to give the piece that they could not
swallow back and get the comprehensive support of the world community
and neighbor states in the development of their country in exchange",
Musabeyov said.

Kharatian Ani:
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