Vepkhvadze: Georgia Is Ready To Help Armenian Friends


Dec 25 2009

Vice-Speaker of the Georgian Parliament, a member of the Christian
Democrats Faction Levan Vepkhvadze welcomed the renewed contacts
between Russia and Georgia in connection with Upper Lars checkpoint’s
reopening. He pointed that the negotiations were held with Armenian
part’s mediation, who initiated the talks between the sides.

"Georgia is ready to help our Armenian friends and open the Upper Lars
checkpoint," said Levan Vepkhvadze on the phone interview with Voice of
America. In his opinion, firstly, third country’s freights should pass
the UL checkpoint, and above all things, those of Armenia. "I think,
at the beginning the passage for civilians should be closed," he said.

However, Levan Vepkhvadze is at the same time worried about possible
provocations. In particular, he voiced concern over invasion by
Russian troops.

Population of the region of Kazbegi argues against opening the border
with Russia, according to the politician. "People here have a dread
of the repeat of what happened in region of Alhagori where the Russian
troops entered. Georgian population had to leave their homes then. And
now local residents are afraid those people from South Osetia who
lived here in the region of Kazbegi would return and provoke some
acts of quazi-cleaning up."