Inside The Presidential Residence And Out Of It

Hakob Badalyan

On December 26, a reception for the media representatives took place
at the residence of the president. This event happens every year
on the eve of the New Year. During the reception organized before
2010, Serge Sargsyan held a speech dedicated to the impartiality of
journalists and media means, he dwelt on participation of the media
in the creation of the history of Armenia stressing that they need
to be impartial for the future generations to have right ideas on
the current history of Armenia.

Almost within the same period when the reception was taking place
at the presidential residence, the officials of the 6th department,
out of the resident of the president, were carrying out ungrounded and
unexplained checking in several enterprises belonging to Sil Concern,
workers of those organizations were taken to the police department.

Zero attention was paid to this event. TV channels which largely
dwelt on another reception taken place days ago at the residence of
the president naturally in the light of exceptionally positive mood
and on December 26, showed Serge Sargsyan’s speeches, no one knows
why paid no attention to the 6th department which mildly speaking
presented tangible interest to Sil Concern.

The media means, in particular the TV channels which worked on those
days because the press was already in holidays either seem not to
have understood well Serge Sargsyan’s appeal about impartiality or
they did not consider it sincere.

A day later, on November 27, the activists of the Armenian National
Congress who were spreading propaganda leaflets of the candidate
at the Constituency No. 10 Nikol Pashinyan were again assaulted and
beaten up in the centre of Yerevan. A group of people demanded from
them to stop their activities and since the activists did not want
to give it up, force was used against them in result of which several
activists were taken to hospital.

And again zero impartiality. Again, TV channels were silent. No
interest in shaping impartial and favorable atmosphere for the future
generations and historians. While Serge Sargsyan had only one day
earlier warned them to be impartial for the future generations to
have right ideas on the current Armenia. Is the case connected with
Sil Concern not in Armenia? Are the HAK activists not beaten up in
the current Armenia?

Perhaps there is nothing to surprise at in connection with all this.

The Armenian government is not new to dwell on tolerance, impartiality,
legality, democracy and other beautiful things but no concrete action
is taken up in this connection. Especially in 2009, the contrast
between the words and the actions of the government was quite
bright. The problem is the governmental calculation. For example,
what Serge Sargsyan’s calculation is when he presents one reality by
words and by actions does not even try to fight against the current
reality, let alone the fact that perhaps he is the guarantee of the
very reality. Does Serge Sargsyan think that the society is deceived
and believes his words rather than the reality surrounding it? Does
Serge Sargsyan sincerely think that the society may believe the tales
about the kind king and think that all the good in the country is
the result of Serge Sargsyan’s work and what is bad is the result
of his rivals’ work? Hardly, because in case of wish, the belief and
the moods of the society are not difficult to be revealed.

Perhaps, again in case of wish, the same belief and moods are not
difficult to be justified.

The whole problem is whether Serge Sargsyan really wants what he
presents in his public speeches. Is he the bearer of the values which
he presents in his speeches? As of now, Serge Sargsyan has not made
any practice step to prove it. And no lack of the steps proving the
opposite is felt.

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

Emil Lazarian

“I should like to see any power of the world destroy this race, this small tribe of unimportant people, whose wars have all been fought and lost, whose structures have crumbled, literature is unread, music is unheard, and prayers are no more answered. Go ahead, destroy Armenia . See if you can do it. Send them into the desert without bread or water. Burn their homes and churches. Then see if they will not laugh, sing and pray again. For when two of them meet anywhere in the world, see if they will not create a New Armenia.” - WS