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The Council of the YSU University holds its end of the year meeting

president.am, Armenia
Dec 27 2009

The Council of the Yerevan State University holds its end of the year meeting

The Council of the Yerevan State University held today its end of the
year meeting, which was chaired by the President of Armenia, Chairman
of the Council Serzh Sargsyan.

In his opening remarks, President Sargsyan said in particular, `Year
2009 is coming to an end. According to the established tradition, we
hold our end of the year meeting to summarize works accomplished
during the year, achievements, and failings.’ Noting that since the
last meeting, two members of the Council ` Academician Aida Avetissian
and Deputy Chief of Police Gevork Mherian – have passed away, the
President suggested to honor their memory by observing a minute of

The President of Armenia also said, `this has been a jubilee year for
us all ` our University celebrated its 90th anniversary. And I mean
not only the members of the Council but the entire nation, because
Yerevan State University is the pride of our nation, the pioneer of
our education and science, which in the 90 years of its existence
produced over one hundred thousand graduates. The faculty and students
of the YSU, in the Republic of Armenia and also during Soviet times,
have always been the founders and promoters of new scientific areas,
and have had in general an enormous role in the advancement of our
people. I believe it is our task to preserve this tradition, cherish
and develop it further for the glory of our nation and our state.’

The rector of the YSU Aram Simonian made a report on the activities of
the University in 2008-2009 academic year.

He said that the activities of the University in all areas were aimed
at further development of the institution, enhancement of its role and
prestige in the academic and scientific areas. According to Aram
Simonian, during that period significant works were conducted for the
program innovation, improvement of its administration and planning
activities, and improvement of the quality of education. To bring the
University education in line with the international standards, the YSU
held a number of events and in order to provide a more efficient
process of learning and to bring into conformity with the Bologna
principles has entirely switched to the credit-based system of

Aram Simonian mentioned with satisfaction that each year more and more
students engage in scientific research and new programs. He also said
that serious work was conducted with the secondary schools to
establish a system of feedback, make the activities of the University
more open and transparent, and engage students in all spheres of the
University life.

The report on the YSU activities in 2008-2009 academic year was
approved by the Council.

The Council also took note of the rector’s financial report of the YSU
activities in 2009 and also approved it. The Council adopted the
University’s budget for 2010.

Next agenda item discussed by the Council pertained to the strategic
plan of the YSU development for 2010-2014.

Rector Simonian noted that this kind of planning allows to
successfully implement long-term objectives of the University.

The strategic plan of the YSU development for 2010-2014 was also
approved by the members of the Council.

At the conclusion of the meeting, the rector of the Yerevan State
University announced the decision of the Scientific Council of the YSU
to award the President of Armenia, Chairman of the Council of the YSU
with the highest honor of the University `YSU Order of Honor’. The
award was established on the occasion of the University’s 90th
anniversary and the President of Armenia is the first recipient of the

Torosian Aram:
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