We don’t live by Christian principles

We don’t live by Christian principles

December 26, 2009

Armenians are a nation that adopted Christianity 1700 years ago, but
today they don’t have faith. "Churches should have been full of people
on Saturdays and Sundays, but people don’t attend the masses," said
Father Kyuregh Talyan in response to the questions by the students of

The students of "" participated in a meeting with the clergyman who
answered all questions of social concern and other issues.

The young journalists were interested in the Christian principles of
the current political elite and the society. "I would not like to
separate the political elite from society. Today, Armenian society is
not living by Christian values," said Father Kyuregh.

The students tried to find out the reason for, according to the
students, could be the clergyman’s lifestyle, line of conduct which
doesn’t always encourage faith.

"We shouldn’t separate the church from society," said the clergyman.
According to Father Kyuregh, clergymen shouldn’t be blamed for the
lack of faith. "We are all to blame."

The meeting lasted for more than two hours and the young journalists
received the answers to all their questions. Students will have a
chance to participate in such meetings in the future as well.