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BAKU: Aliyev: NK will never be independent

State Telegraph Agency of the Republic of Azerbaijan
January 1, 2010 Friday


Baku January 1

The Nagorno-Karabakh will never be independent, Azerbaijan`s
territorial integrity has not and will never be a topic of discussion,
President Ilham Aliyev said in his New Year message.

It is not possible without Azerbaijan`s consent, we`ll never agree to this.

Azerbaijanis and Armenians must live in Karabakh on the basis of
autonomy, and we need the world`s best practice to be applied here. It
is our principal position and we`ll never take a step back from it,
the President added.

The Azerbaijani leader also said: We`ll try to use all means,
including the political, economic and diplomatic ones, to find a
soonest and just solution to this issue, based on international legal
norms, so that Azerbaijani citizens can return to their homelands as
soon as possible.

Nanijanian Alex:
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