TBILISI: Turkey wants stability and peace in the Caucasus

The Messenger, Georgia
Jan 5 2010

Turkey wants stability and peace in the Caucasus

By Messenger Staff Tuesday, January 5

Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmed Davutoglu, evaluating 2009, highlighted
that the country most often discussed Caucasus issues. He also
stressed that Turkey’s friendship with Georgia, Azerbaijan and Armenia
creates trust in the Caucasus.

The Minister highlighted that signing the protocol with Armenia is not
the sole Turkish goal. Ankara wants to create a situation which would
make it possible to sign some other protocols on frozen conflicts as
well. "We shall continue working on our platform so that stable peace
is established in the Caucasus", Davutoglu said. He added that
friendship with Azerbaijan will continue to develop on the principle
of 1 people, 2 states.

Turkish FM added through its press spokesman that without resolving
the Karabakh situation there will be no possibility of establishing
stability in the Caucasus and the improvement of relations between
Armenia and Turkey is not in itself enough to achieve that. Stability
can be achieved in the region only if Armenia resolves the problems
which have emerged as a result of the Karabakh conflict, the Ministry