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The Cilicia Symphony Orchestra: A New Year of Joyful Noise

The Cilicia Symphony Orchestra: A New Year of Joyful Noise
Jan 5th, 2010


>From the first downbeat and the sounds of `Christmas Festival’ by
Leroy Anderson and the beautifully decorated stage, I knew the evening
was special.

Fifty Six exceptional performers on the crowded multi level stage of
the First Baptist Church of Glendale filled the souls of all who
attended. Maestro Mikael Avetisian conducted with all of his being and
brought to life the entire evening for all who attended this
spectacular concert event.

In the busy and exhausting Christmas and New Year season all of us
need moments where we can forget the dismal economic downturn, H1N1,
politicians who lie and just be transported to a joyful place. The
birth of Christ brings us joy and hope of salvation, our children and
grandchildren and their excitement of the season warm us and great
cultural evenings transport us to another level of being. That was
what happened on Sunday night.

Tenor Edgar Brutyan, Sopranos Marine Abrahamyan-Abdasho and Narine
Ojakhyan sang with mastery and skill receiving bouquets and the
appreciation of the audience, but the evening was so special because
of the Cilicia Symphony Orchestra.

Maestro Mikael Avetisian with his orchestra transported all of us to a
joyous level. The selections of popular music, played with such
exuberance, had many of us dancing in our seats. Favorites from
Tchaikovsky, Khachaturian, Arno Babajanian and Komitas filled our

My heart soared with the Sabre Dance, transporting me to another
moment when the LA Philharmonic played under the direction of Varoujan
Kojian and I danced Lezginka with my family and dance ensemble on the
stage of the Dorothy Chandler Pavilion the music pulsing through us. I
envisioned Hungarian Gypsies dancing the Czardas, elegant couples
dancing to Viennese waltzes, and graceful Armenian women dancing our
Nazelie dances.

The music just moved my soul. The evening ended much too soon with
over four standing ovations and encores.

The community owes Bianca Manoukian and Teleculture 24 hour
International Television a world of thanks for her vision, courage and
willingness to present such a beautiful evening. I am still dancing…

Yeghisabet Arthur:
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