We are getting closer to securing Karabakh’s future: Giragosian

news.am, Armenia
Jan 5 2010

We are getting closer to securing Karabakh’s future: Giragosian

18:32 / 01/05/2010`In 2009 we lost credit as March 1 matter is still
open. We lost credibility both in Armenia and Diaspora,’ Director of
the Armenian Center for National and International Studies (ACNIS)
Richard Giragosian told NEWS.am, summing up the 2009 results.

`The fact that Armenia bought time to solve its domestic problems
might be considered an achievement. We got stronger from the military
security viewpoint as the most sufficient work was conducted by
Defense Ministry. The military sector was considerably reformed, new
buildings were constructed,’ Giragosian underlined. The expert
considers 2010 an interesting year from Armenia-Turkey relations point
of view. It will be clear what price should be paid by each side in
the process. `In 2009 it was still vague what price Armenia and Turkey
paid for the relations’ improvement. Karabakh and Genocide issue might
become a cost both for Armenia and Turkey,’ the expert said.

As to 2010 forecast, Giragosian stated that "we would be one step
closer to securing of Karabakh future, as Azerbaijan is becoming
weaker. The negative development is that 2010 will be a year of
economic instability, as the deficit of labor and economic
opportunities will be registered.
