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BAKU: Storm hits Azerbaijani territories occupied by Armenia

APA, Azerbaijan
Jan 8 2010

Storm hits Azerbaijani territories occupied by Armenia

[ 08 Jan 2010 14:17 ]

Baku ` APA. Storm hit the Azerbaijani territories occupied by Armenia.
APA reports that the storm caused damage most to Shusha. Strong wind
knocked down the roofs of several buildings and private houses, trees
and broke the cables. In general, the storm caused damage to 8
multistorey buildings, 2 administrative buildings and 15 private

The natural disaster also caused damage to the multistorey buildings
in Khankendi, some villages of Esgeran, Khojavend and Hadrut regions.

Measures are being taken to eliminate the consequences of the natural

Vardanian Garo:
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