BAKU: US pupils set task to prepare report on "Armenian genocide", Azerbaijan
Jan 8 2010

US pupils set task to prepare report on "Armenian genocide"
Fri 08 January 2010 | 11:11 GMT Text size:

A pupil who is Turkish by nationality has also been demanded by the
teachers of the New York lyceum to prepare such a query report.

The pupil’s family that could not reconcile with the injustice has
applied to the school administration and the Turkish General Consul in
New York, according to CNN-Turk.

The family is outraged with the one-sided nature of the task set for
their son and they demanded not to set such tasks to their son.

The Turkish consulate general in New York has in turn addressed to the
citizens of Turkish ethnicity calling them to appeal to the consulate
in case they face such problems in the future.

This turned out to be not the only case. Other pupils of Turkish
ethnicity also faced such outrageous facts. The task instructed the
pupils to watch video materials on 1915 events in the internet,
analyze materials received from elderly Armenians and then answer the
questions in a form supporting Armenians’ claims.

Since 1996 some state lyceums of New York have supported Armenia’s
claims in connection with the so-called "genocide" on the subject of
Global History and preference is given to sources and materials
supporting Armenia’s position.
