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NKR: Primary Attention To Cattle Breeding


NKR Government Information and
Public Relations Department
January 13, 2010

Today, at the conference convoked at NKR Prime Minister Ara
Haroutyunyan heads of regional administrations of the Republic
presented some information about the autumn sowing and fallowing
activities, the results of field pest control. By the estimation of
the Government Head agricultural works are not of appropriate pace
and quality, they are necessary to be intensified and professionally
developed. Agrodepartments of the regions were instructed to closely
cooperate with landowners and tenants, to provide assistance on
procedure to them. It was notified once more that those not following
the necessary agrarian rules in land cultivation will be deprived of
state support.

The problem of raising the efficiency of pest control was specially
touched upon taking into consideration the fact that new pests have
appeared and the reproduction of rodents is expected. The Prime
Minister charged to create new sponsored groups that will carry on
pest control in "hot" areas.

Prime Minister A.Haroutyunyan drew the attention of the participants of
the conference to the demand of expanding maize cultivation. The issue
of rendering maize seeds to farmers for free aimed at stimulation of
the branch development was touched upon. The Government will uphold
the production of fodder crops as well.

A.Haroutyunyan assigned the executives of this sphere with a task to
draft an intensive development programme for cattle breeding and to
admit applications from farmers to get state credit. At the initial
stage credits will be allowed to purchase cattle. The Prime Minister
underlined that during the forthcoming 3 months the cattle livestock
in the Republic is necessary to raise by 40%. "During 2010-2011
the Government will primarily concentrate its attention on cattle
breeding",- the Government Head announced.

At the conference the issues of ground-rent collection, agricultural
credit repayment were discussed as well. Competent bodies presented
corresponding information and got instructions from A.Haroutyunyan
in connection with these issues.

Minister of Agriculture Armo Tsatryan, other officials of the sphere
partook in the conference.

Tamamian Anna:
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