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Will NA Consider?



The member of the ARF Bureau Vahan Hovhannisyan on January 14 said
that if the Armenian National Assembly ratifies the Armenian and
Turkish protocols without taking into account the circumstances set
by the decision of the Constitutional Court, so the CC decision will
lose its sense because it will become an internal document and will
not get international legal force. Though Vahan Hovhannisyan is not
satisfied with the CC decision, but the fact that while making its
decision the CC took into account the arguments of the forces being
against the protocols in particular those of the ARF is welcoming. "Of
course, the fact that after all, the CC decided the protocols are in
accord with the RA Constitution is negative", says Vahan Hovhannisyan
adding that nevertheless the CC slowly tries to show independence.

Vahan Hovhannisyan says the opinions of "some political forces and
others who consider them such ones" when they say that the court did
not have to take into account others’ opinions dealing with politics
are idiotic. Vahan Hovhannisyan notes the CC acted in accordance
with the law. As to whether the CC decision will be considered at
the National Assembly, Vahan Hovhannisyan says when the ratification
process starts they will not let the NA to wash its hands up and ignore
the CC decision. According to Vahan Hovhannisyan the NA is obliged
to consider the CC decision. Hovhannisyan thinks now each citizen
has to find out who the parliamentary member of their constituency
is and to influence them for the NA voting to include the CC decision.

Badalian Vardan:
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