Categories: News

Baku Is Still Dangerous For Its People


Jan 14 2010

The deputy of the Armenian Foreign Minister Shavarsh Kocharyan
answered to the questions of "Armenpress" news agency, concerning
to the Armenian massacres in Baku 20 years ago. Here is the reply
of the Deputy of the Armenian FM, provided by the RA MFA press and
information department.

Question – Mr. Kocharyan, 20 years ago took place mass pogroms
and exiles of Armenians. How would you describe that crime today
considering the occurred situation?

Answer – The events that took place 20 years ago in Baku following the
demands of the Karabakh people to get their self-determination, was
the usual monstrous policy of ethical cleanings adopted by Azerbaijan
from the very beginning.

The result of it was the forcible exile of around 400.000 Armenians,
the military aggression against the self-determined Nagorno Karabakh,
which brought to many humane and material losses.

The fact that Azerbaijan instead of recognizing its fault and having
responsibility for the results of crimes and aggressions committed
by him continues its anti-Armenian hysteria comes to prove that Baku
keeps staying dangerous for its own people and the region too.

Khoyetsian Rose:
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