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This Day In History


Jamaica Observer
Jan 14 2010

Today is Thursday, January 14, the 14th day of 2010. There are 351
days left in the year.

Today’s Highlight

1907: Earthquake in Jamaica destroys Kingston and takes 1,000 lives.

Other Notable Events

1784: United States (US) ratifies peace treaty with England, formally
ending American War of Independence.

1809: England and Spain form alliance against Napoleon Bonaparte.

1814: Denmark cedes Norway to Sweden in Treaty of Kiel.

1867: Peru declares war on Spain.

1950: US recalls all consular personnel from China.

1962: At least 36 Algerians and Europeans are killed in disorder and
terrorist attacks in Algeria’s major cities.

1966: Indonesia closes its mission at the UN as it prepares to withdraw
from the world organisation.

1986: Vinicio Cerezo is sworn in as Guatemala’s first civilian
president in 16 years.

1990: Azerbaijani attacks on Armenians leave at least two dozen dead
in Baku, Soviet Union.

1991: On the eve of UN deadline for use of force in Iraq, European
Community decides it is useless to send diplomatic mission to Baghdad.

1992: Israel opens peace talks with Jordan and resumes bargaining
with Palestinians.

1993: As many as 54 people die when a Polish ferry capsizes during
a fierce storm in the Baltic sea.

1995: In Colombia, leftist rebels attack police stations in several
towns, killing six policemen and three other people.

1996: Alvaro Arzu is sworn in as Guatemala’s new president.

1997: In Cairo, Egypt, a crowded public bus smashes through a metal
fence and plunges 35 metres (115 feet) into the Nile. At least 39
people die.

1998: The UN Security Council votes unanimously to rebuke Iraq for
not giving arms inspectors full access. Iraq accuses an American arms
inspector of being a spy.

1999: The US tells the World Trade Organisation that US$520 million
in European imports will face punitive tariffs unless an agreement
is reached on the sale of US bananas.

2000: Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines agrees to pay Alaska US$3.5 million
for dumping toxic chemicals — including dry-cleaning fluid — and
oil-contaminated water into the state’s waters.

2001: Cambodia’s Senate approves a law to create a tribunal to try
Khmer Rouge leaders. A cabinet minister says the court will spare no
leader of the murderous regime.

2002: The US House Energy and Commerce Committee releases a letter
sent in August 2001 by an executive of Enron Corp to Kenneth Lay,
the energy company’s chairman and chief executive officer, pointing
out improprieties in the now-bankrupt Enron’s accounting practices.

2003: The US Food and Drug Administration suspends 27 US gene therapy
trials after a second child in four months develops leukemia-like
symptoms in a French trial that used a similar technique.

2005: In Sri Lanka, Abhilasha Jeyarajah, the infant dubbed "Baby 81"
nurses from a bottle of milk and kicks playfully at a pink blanket
as nine desperate, heartbroken women quarrel over him — all claiming
he was torn from them by the tsunami.

2006: The chief judge in Saddam Hussein’s trial submits his
resignation. Saddam and his co-defendants are charged in the deaths
of more than 140 Shiite Muslims in the town of Dujail in 1982 in
retaliation for an assassination attempt.

2007: Iran and Nicaragua announce that they will open embassies
in each other’s capitals as Iran’s hard-line President Ahmadinejad
courts leftist allies in Latin America to offset Washington’s global

2008: Militants with suicide-bomb vests, grenades and AK-47 rifles
attack Kabul’s most popular luxury hotel as the Norwegian embassy
holds a meeting. At least eight people, including one American and
one Norwegian, are killed.

2009: A French court acquits six doctors and pharmacists in the
deaths of at least 114 people who contracted a brain-destroying
disease after being treated with tainted human growth hormones.

Today’s Birthdays

Valdemar I, the Great, Danish king (1131-1182); Zacharias
Topelius, Finnish writer (1818-1898); Albert Schweitzer, French
missionary-doctor-musician, Nobel Peace Prize laureate (1875-1965);
Giulio Andreotti, former Italian prime minister (1919-); Faye Dunaway,
US actress (1941-).

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

Emil Lazarian: “I should like to see any power of the world destroy this race, this small tribe of unimportant people, whose wars have all been fought and lost, whose structures have crumbled, literature is unread, music is unheard, and prayers are no more answered. Go ahead, destroy Armenia . See if you can do it. Send them into the desert without bread or water. Burn their homes and churches. Then see if they will not laugh, sing and pray again. For when two of them meet anywhere in the world, see if they will not create a New Armenia.” - WS
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