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BAKU: Davutoglu Speaks By Phone With Lavrov

Trend, Azerbaijan
Jan 16 2010

Davutoglu Speaks By Phone With Lavrov
16.01.2010 05:35
Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu had a phone conversation
with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov on Friday, Anadolu Agency

Davutoglu, who is in Belgrade to attend a tripartite consultation
meeting of Turkey, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Serbia, exchanged views with
Lavrov on developments in the Caucasus, status of Upper Karabakh,
Cyprus problem, current situation in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Iran’s
nuclear program, diplomats said.

The phone conversation was a follow-up of Turkish Prime Minister Recep
Tayyip Erdogan’s recent visit to Moscow, said Turkish Foreign Ministry
Spokesman Burak Ozugergin.

Topics of the high-level strategic cooperation were discussed in
detail, Ozugergin said.

Lavrov also told Davutoglu that Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan
would travel to Moscow on Monday, he added.

Tumanian Talar:
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