BAKU: Sergei Lavrov: The Principles Of Self-Determination And Territ


Jan 22 2010

Moscow. Roman Agayev – APA. "There is no precise hierarchy between the
basic principles of the international law and all serious scientists
attach similar importance to the principle of territorial integrity,
people’s right to self-determination and other principles of the
international law.

The only attempt to realize the principle of self-determination
within the framework of the principle of territorial integrity was
in the UN declaration adopted in 1970," said Russian Foreign Minister
Sergei Lavrov at the press conference while answering the APA Moscow
correspondent’s question.

Lavrov commented on the essence of the document: "I do not want
to cite the document in the legal language. But the essence of the
document is that the respect for the state’s territorial integrity
comprises the commitment of the state’s authorities to ensure the
rights of all nations living in its territory, including the right
to self-determination and solve all these problems peacefully. But
if the state uses force for this, then the principle of territorial
integrity is questionable. By the way, it is a splendid example how
Mikhail Saakashvili solved the problem of people’s self-determination
with respect to the nations living in Georgia. Therefore my answer
is simple – none of these principles can prevail over each other,"
he said.

Sergei Lavrov had said during his press conference in Yerevan: "Russia
supporting the solution to Nagorno Karabakh conflict together with
the other OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs wants nothing but the agreement
that will meet the interests of Armenian and Azerbaijani people." APA
reports quoting Novosti-Armenia that to the question "Can Russia’s
energy cooperation with Turkey be more important than the right of
self-determination of Nagorno Karabakh’s people?" Lavrov said: "Simply
it cannot be. When we say that the co-chairs are trying to help the
presidents of the two countries to agree on the principles, on which
the further settlement will be based, it means that these principles
will lay the foundation of the ceasefire agreement covering the legal
commitments. We consider that the position of the Karabakh people must
be taken into consideration in the preparation of the agreement. It
should be agreed and specified in what forms it will be done," he said.