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International Free Hugs Day: Armenians Aren’t Against To Hug Too


Jan 21 2010

Don’t be shy to hug today. It is the International day of Free Hug
today. It is today that the girls and the boy all over the world do
hug each other without any sexual pretexts. Today you can hug even
the strangers. Though it’s a young fest nobody can distinctly remember
its origins.

Wikipedia informs that it was initiated by the young people for
being able to hug each other without any obstacles, besides that it
is pleasant and even useful.

During the friendly hugs people get positive charges, and the
scientists have found out that for the complete happiness everyone
has to be hugged at least 8 times a day.

Psychologist Karine Kosharyan during her conversation with Aysor.am
told that during the friendly hugs people exchange spiritual warmth.

"It is this friendly emotion that lingers the life of people. Hugging
a person means trusting him, if there is mistrust toward the person
after hugging you will have the feeling of getting back", – the
psychologist said.

She also mentioned that hugging some one when you are already matured
you find yourself inside of your childish and pure memories.

Thus one of the Armenians who was in Belgium on his holidays remembered
that several years ago on one of the streets of Belgium a group of
teenagers approached him and hugged him: "At first I felt awkward,
then I looked around and noticed that all the people are hugging
each other, I was really impressed. Since that day I truly wait that
one day Armenia will celebrate it too, though me and my friends we
celebrate that day every year."

Aysor.am’s inquiry showed that the boys would hug the girls with great
pleasure, but the girls would be shy to do that, but if it would be a
fest, they would have to hug too. One of the old women even said with
envy "If I were young, I would hug too. In my times we were even shy
to walk with our husbands hand by hand."

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