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Vartan Bostanjyan Optimistic About Armenia’s Economic Growth In 2010


21.01.2010 16:21 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Overcoming of the crisis by developed countries
will stimulate economic rehabilitation in Armenia, Vardan Bostanjyan
, Deputy Chairman of the NA Standing Committee on Economic Affairs
told a press conference on January 21 in Yerevan. According to him,
international financial institutions helped to reduce the Armenian
deficit to AMD 193 billion.

According to Vardan Bostanjyan, investments inflow to Armenia will
increase in 2010, which will help to develop certain industries more
effectively than in 2009. He also noted that in 2009 there has been
decline in implementation of social programs of the government.

"The government, despite the deep crisis, managed to resolve the
existing problems of vulnerable stratas of the society," he said.

Vardan Bastanjyan was optimistic about the 1.2% economic growth,
projected by the state budget for 2010.

Vardan Bastanjyan, Deputy Chairman of the NA Standing Committee on
Economic Affairs, was born on September 9, 1949 in Yerevan. In 1971 he
graduated from the Technical Cybernetics faculty of Yerevan Polytechnic
Institute. In 1977 he was a post-graduate of the Institute of Economics
of the Siberian Department of the USSR Academy of Sciences. He is an
engineer-electrician, doctor of economics, professor.

In 1971-1974 he worked as a senior engineer in the Yerevan Research
Institute of Mathematical Machines. In 1977-1993 he worked at the
Research Institute of Economics and Planning of the Armenian State
Planning as a senior research worker, head of sector, head of the
division, deputy director on scientific works. In 1993-1999 he was
head of social-economic division of the staff of the Supreme Council,
then he was head of the economic analysis department of the staff
of the National Assembly. In 1994-1996 he was elected member of the
board of the Central Bank of the Republic of Armenia. In 2003-2007
he was the head of the Financial Accounting Chair of the Faculty of
Economics of the Yerevan State University.

In 1980 he was conferred a title of a laureate of the All-Union
competition on Public Sciences for the researches dedicated to the
solution of the problems of economic development.

He is a member of the Academy of Natural Sciences of the Russian
Federation, correspondent-member of the Engineering Academy of the
Republic of Armenia.

He is an author of more than 130 publications.

He was elected as a deputy of the Regional Council twice of Yerevan
Soviet district.

In 1999-2003 he was elected as a deputy (proportional electoral system,
Miasnutiun/Unity ally). He was a member of the NA Standing Committee
of the Financial-Credit, Budgetary and Economic Affairs. He was a
member of Miasnutiun faction.

On May 12, 2007 he was elected as a deputy of the National Assembly
by proportional electoral system from Bargavach Hayastan/Prosperous
Armenia party.

Vardan Bostanjyan is married, and has three children.

Hovhannisian John:
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