`Creation and management of a Brand’ special classes in Yerevan

Aysor, Armenia
Jan 23 2010

`Creation and management of a Brand’ special classes in Yerevan

Today in Yerevan was organized the special class called `Creation and
management of a Brand’ which was aimed at developing the abilities of
the companies in the mentioned sphere.. 34 representatives of 24
companies partake in those classes, 3 Georgian representatives in that

The classes are organized by the support of the SPMS Company.

The Director of the SPMS Company Haykuhi Talsildaryan says that there
are a lot of IT in our country that are developed but as a brand they
are too weak.

According to the organizers the training `Creation and management of a
Brand’ will help to better realize what is the brand, how to create it
and how to control it in the markets. It means that the participants
will have the opportunity to get the answers to the following
questions whether it is possible to improve the image or to create a
new on, whether the attributes pf the brand are being discussed or
not, which are the skills of creating the image of the brand on time,