Categories: News

Situation changed dramatically after last website attacks

news.am, Armenia
Jan 23 2010

Situation changed dramatically after last website attacks

11:24 / 01/23/2010After the Azeri’s attacks on Armenian websites
within last months our security level had increased drastically, WEB
company’s director A.Toneyan told NEWS.am-Innovation.

He is confident that the optimal solution to any problem depends on a
number and qualification of the experts involved.

`We did not aim at attacking and hacking Azeri or Turkish websites,
though have the knacks for doing so,’ Toneyan noted.

According to him, comprehensive solution to protection of Armenian
websites is backpedaled due to financial problems. `For the adequate
protection of both sites and state management system’s internal
networks we need to have professional high paid administrators, as
they will not settle for less,’ WEB director stated, adding that
beyond financial issues there are also difficulties with users’
incompetency, which is out soft spot. `The outcomes of any situation
research conducted by our company are the same ` the website users
have no clue of rules for sites’ protection as well as ignorance in
their proper application,’ Toneyan concluded.

Taslakhchian Andranik:
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