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State employment service: in 2009 about 9.4K job seekers found job

State employment service of Armenia: in 2009 about 9.4 thousand job
seekers found job

YEREVAN, January 21. /ARKA/. `There were about 9.4 thousand job
seekers in 2009 in Armenia’, said Sona Harutyunyan, Head of State
Employment Service of the Ministry of Social Welfare of Armenia.

Despite difficulties in employment sphere, due to a number of
implemented measures positive aspects were registered. Indicator of
employment by state program was overfulfiled by 9.2%. In its result,
9400 job seekers found jobs from which 24.7% is youth.

Among the employment programs she mentioned the program of
compensation of salaries to the employers, program of state
registration for entrepreneurial activity and employment of
uncompetitive categories. Program of professional education of 1545
people was implemented instead of envisaged 1467. The program of
compensation of salaries to the employers made 229 people instead of
envisaged 200.

By the program of temporary employment in 2009, 4960 people found
jobs. In the program of state registration for entrepreneurial
activity 104 private entrepreneurs were registered, from which 54 were
women, mainly from the regions. As of December 31, 2009 unemployment
level in Armenia was 7.1% which is by 0.8% more the indicator of 2008.
In 2009 the number of job seekers in Armenia exceeded 99.3 thousand,
84.4 thousand of which received status of unemployed. The majority are
women and about 21% – youth. G.K. –0 –

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