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ANKARA: Turk FM voices "concerns" over Armenia’s stance on protocols

Anadolu Agency, Turkey
Jan 22 2010

Turkey’s foreign minister voices "concerns" over Armenia’s stance on protocols

Ankara, 22 January: Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu said
substance and spirit of the protocols between Turkey and Armenia for
normalisation of relations should be protected.

Commenting on the Armenian Constitutional Court’s reasoned verdict on
the protocols at a press conference in Ankara Friday, Davutoglu said
it was natural for the Armenian court to elaborate on the protocols’
compliance with the Armenian constitution, adding however that
preservation of the substance and spirit of the protocols was what
really mattered for Turkey.

"Restrictions on the protocols, attempts to divide them and give
precedence to certain parts over others, does not suit with the
substance and spirit of these protocols," said Davutoglu.

He said Turkey set out with a perspective to normalise relations with
its neighbour Armenia and displayed a strong political will to
conclude the process expressing Turkey’s expectancy from Armenia to be
loyal to the protocols.

Davutoglu said he communicated Turkey’s concerns to his Armenian
Counterpart Edward Nalbandian over the phone. He said Nalbandian
reassured him that court’s reasoned verdict did not change what
Armenia agreed in the beginning.

"However, we expect to hear more unequivocal and clear statements on
this issue," said Davutoglu.

Davutoglu said he would call US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and
talk to Switzerland who is mediating the talks with Armenia to voice
Turkey’s concerns.

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