Categories: News

"At The Worst Maynford Declaration Will Be Repeated"


25.01.2010, 17:35

Today in the meeting with the journalists the ARP vice-president
Razmik Zohrabyan touched upon the trilateral meeting of D. Medvedev,
S. Sargsyan and I. Aliev and mentioned that the latter is making war
like statements saying that Karabakh issue is impossible to solve
through a peaceful way anymore, and they should take up a military way.

"For us the negotiations are also way to peace, if we negotiate then
we do not fight", – R. Zohrabyan noted.

Speaking about the expectations of the trilateral meetings the speaker
mentioned that he is going to speak about the Madrid principals.

He said that it is possible that "at the worst the Mayndorf declaration
would be repeated".

To the question whether their will be an accord signed in Sochi today
the speaker answered that today after the meeting will be announced
what results have been recorded, of this we can come to the conclusion
whether there will be any accord signed or not. Maybe there will not
be signed anything at all.

Kamalian Hagop:
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