Mevlut Cavusoglu says wishes for a visit to Armenia

Wednesday, January 27

Newly-elected PACE President Mevlut Cavusoglu in his interview with
Azerbaijan’s APA Agency said it is the OSCE mostly involved in the
Karabakh talks.

When asked about the further settlement of the Karabakh conflict,
Mevlut Cavusoglu said: "We wish OSCE activities in the process of
settlement of the Karabakh conflict to speed up. The process has been
seriously activated recently. The Co-Chairs must act more intensively.

We will support them for our part," APA Agency quotes PACE President

Mevlut Cavusoglu said of plans related to the South Caucasus region,
mentioning reports on three region’s states and Russia. "There are
serious tensions between Georgia and Russia. The Council of Europe
gives its attention to this issue which is, in contrast to the
Karabakh, conflict, a new one. I can’t say now what successes PACE
can reach in solving this issue. But we are doing the best to make
away this war’s effects in sense of the human catastrophe. We must
continue our activities in this direction," said Cavusoglu.

Referring to visits and meeting in the framework of PACE projects,
Mevlut Cavusoglu said is going to meet with Armenian and Azerbaijani
delegations to PACE and to pay visits to both countries.

"Sure, I wish for not only meetings with Azerbaijani and Armenian
delegations, but I want to visit both countries, because we are
dialogue’s supporters, and the constructive dialogue is necessary. We
will move towards this. I am not still sure if I can meet with
delegations this first week as I have a very tight schedule. If we
don’t meet at this plenary session, then we’ll meet at next sessions.

Besides, we’ve held meetings before. So we will continue bilateral
meetings in future," he said.