ANKARA: Fm Davutoglu Meets Armenian Counterpart Nalbandian


Journal of Turkish Weekly
Thursday, 28 January 2010

Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu met Thursday his Armenian
counterpart Eduard Nalbandian in London where he is attending a
conference on Afghanistan.

Davutoglu’s meeting with Nalbandian lasted around 15 minutes. The
two ministers exchanged viewpoints on the new situation that arose
after a recent decision made by the Armenian Constitutional Court on
the protocols signed between Turkey and Armenia in 2009.

Nalbandian told Davutoglu that there was no change in the character
of the process (after the Armenian court’s decision).

Today’s meeting provided an opportunity for the two ministers to
express their views face to face.

While there was no change in the pos ition of the parties, the meeting
was beneficial, sources said.

Turkey wants Armenia to declare that a recent decision by the Armenian
Constitutional Court has not brought any changes to the protocols
signed on October 11, 2009.