Responsible Phase In Karabakh Issue


The settlement of the Karabakh issue has really embraced a responsible
phase. This opinion was expressed on January 28 by the head of the
union of political scientists Hmayak Hovhannisyan.

He said that this preamble is the frameworks agreement which has
much been dwelt recently. And it really contains a point about the
Karabakh participation in the negotiation as a full party and this
is really a serious achievement, says Hmayak Hovhannisyan.

According to him, the argument that it was present still in 1994 is
not so true because at that time the point was about the Armenian
and Azerbaijani communities of Karabakh. Hmayak Hovhannisyan says
that during those years he used to be an expert at the Russian State
Duma and got "top secret" information from the ministry of foreign
affairs and learnt about the process of negotiations. But the current
government does not show him this honor.

Hmayak Hovhannisyan says that the fact that the options of
self-determination of nations and the territorial integrity are
equalized is impermissible. According to him, this is what the
Azerbaijani government says: good autonomy within the Azerbaijani

According to him, the principle of self-determination of a nation is a
sacred principle and the territorial integrity is not a "holy cow" but
it appeared after the Helsinki act in result of West-USSR bargaining.

According to Hovhannisyan, it is wrong to consider these two principles