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Russia’s Superjet To Be Certified In July

By Nataliya Vasilyeva

Associated Press
January 27, 2010

Russia’s much-anticipated passenger aircraft, the Sukhoi Superjet,
should be given flight certification by the summer, officials
reportedly said Wednesday.

The Superjet, produced by Russian airline maker Sukhoi in association
with Italy’s Alenia Aeronautica, has been widely seen as Russia’s
chance to gain a competitive foothold in the international passenger
airline market.

The state-controlled planemaker has orders for 122 aircraft from
airlines across Europe and at home, where Russia’s biggest carrier
Aeroflot — which has ordered 30 Superjets — recently withdrew its
creaking, Soviet-era Tu-154 fleet from service.

But persistent delays over the Superjet engines have set back delivery
dates, making Wednesday’s announcement by Industry Minister Viktor
Khristenko a welcome development.

Khristenko told the parliament the Superjet 100 had gone through
the final certification tests last year and is likely to receive a
so-called type certificate in July, RIA Novosti and ITAR-Tass reported.

"The granting of the type certificate is scheduled for July 2010,"
he was quoted as saying.

A type certificate is awarded to a manufacturer to certify that a
plane’s design fulfills current requirements for aircraft safety
standards. The certificate, which clears the way for Superjet to
be delivered and used by Russian airlines, is awarded by Russia’s
Aviation Register of the Interstate Aviation Committee. The company
is also applying for an EU certificate.

Russian carriers account for more than half of the Superjet order
portfolio to date, and companies in Italy, Switzerland, Hungary,
Spain, Poland and Armenia make up the rest.

Sukhoi officials recently announced they expect the first deliveries
in mid-2010.

Yeghisabet Arthur:
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