Trilateral Meeting Held On Iran-Armenia Railway Construction

18:35 / 01/27/2010

Today, Jan.27 a trilateral meeting of Armenia-Russia-Iran working
group on Iran-Armenia railway construction was held in Yerevan.

Armenian side was represented by RA Deputy Minister of Transport
and Communication Hrant Beglaryan, Russian – by Deputy Director of
the RF Transport Ministry’s Department for State Policy in Railway
Transport Sergey Tugarinov and Iranian – by IRI Road and Transport
communication Deputy Minister Majid Asadi as well as other officials,
RA Transport and Communication Ministry press secretary Susanna
Tonoyan informed

The parties discussed works implemented following the previous
meeting. Beglaryan informed that Asian Development Bank already
gave $1m grant for the technical part of the project and in April a
tender will be invited for the constructions works’ implementation,
thereafter the works will commence. In addition, it was outlined that
Austrian IlF company conducted researches for the project.

Iranian official added that they have already completed the
preparatory works for the 60km segment of railway on the territory
of the country. He also emphasized that in case the project launches
Iran is ready to construct their part with own means.