Van Province Chamber Of Commerce And Industry Interested In Developm


27.01.2010 14:25 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Van province
is interested in the development of tourism in Armenia, specifically,
Akhtamar Island.

As RA Chamber of Commerce and Industry CEO Araik Vardanyan told a news
conference in Yerevan, Van province Chamber of Commerce and Industry
offered to establish active collaboration in the sphere of tourism,
even before Armenia-Turkey rapprochement issue is given political

Commenting on Armenia-Turkey border opening consequences, Araik
Vardanyan disagreed with opinion that cheap Turkish goods will littler
the Armenian market. "Armenian market is very small, so the goods,
capable of working it up have already done so. Price decrease is more
likely in case of border opening," he said, adding in this context that
product turnover between Armenia and Turkey comprises USD 300 million.

As Araik Vardanyan informed, in February 2010, RA Chamber of Commerce
and Industry chairman Martin Sargsyan scheduled a visit to Istanbul.

During his visit, the chairman will meet representatives of a major
Turkish company in order to sign collaboration agreement.

In October, 2001 National Assembly of RA passed the Law on Chambers of
Commerce and Industry establishing for the first time in the history
of Armenia, Chamber of Commerce and Industry new legal organizational
mode, distinctly regulating Chamber of Commerce and Industry systems
(Chambers), Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Armenia
and the Regional Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Regional Chambers)
activities. By the aforesaid Law, Chamber goal and objective subjects
included the protection of businessmen rights in the matters relating
to economic activity, coordination of interrelation between Government
bodies and businessmen, upgrading necessary business personnel,
peaceful settlement of disputes caused by businessmen and respective
organizations. The Law provides CCI RA with exclusive rights in the
settlement of business issues, including situation with insuperable
obstacle (force majeure) as well as Statement on Reliability of trade
companies. According to the Government Decree, CCI RA was granted
with a number of privileges to organize exhibitions in Armenia,
particularly, in respect of International Exhibitions and Trade Fairs,
which are organized in Armenia by the Chamber. Mainly, some batches
of goods imported to Armenia for exhibition purposes are duty free.

In April 2002, CCI RA convened its first founding meeting and in
May 2005, the second meeting was convened subsequently. The latter
provided a well-grounded evaluation on CCI RA activities for the
period covered and set objectives for future action aimed at the
improvement of business related issues, international cooperation.

In June 2005, the Law "on making alterations and supplements in the
Law on Chambers of Commerce and Industry" was adopted, providing
Chambers with a number of supplementary liabilities. Particularly,
the liability duration of CCI RA President and Regional Chambers
as well as the Presidium members was established 5 years instead of
previously decided 3 years. CCI RA Presidium has acquired the right
to express non-confidence to the President of Regional Chamber for
the violation or default of Charter requirements.

In 2006 semi annual, CCI RA and Regional Chambers held special sessions
where following the provisions of RA Law on making alterations and
supplements in the Law on Chambers of Commerce and Industry, new
edition of regulations was endorsed.