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USC: Garbis Der Yeghiayan Lecture: 2-8-10

Institute of Armenian Studies
University of Southern California
Taper Hall of Humanities, Suite 252
Los Angeles, California 90089-4015
Tel: 213-821-3943
Email: armenian@college.usc.edu

USC Institute of Armenian Studies

is pleased to invite you to a lecture titled

"From Der Zor to Kessab 2010: a Pictorial Pilgrimage"


Dr. Garbis Der Yeghiayan
President, Mashdots College of Glendale

Monday, 8 February 2010, 12 noon to 1:30 p.m.

Waite Phillips Hall (WPH) 102

Please refer to the USC map at:

R.S.V.P. at armenian@college.usc.edu


This presentation is part of a lecture series offered by the USC Institute
of Armenian Studies in conjunction with the Spring 2010 course, MDA 333 —
Colloquium in Armenian Studies: Social and Cultural Issues

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