ARF’s Hovhannisyan Censures "Unique Opposition"


02.02.2010 18:25

Yerevan (Yerkir) – Speaking at the February 2 session of the National
Assembly, Vahan Hovhannisyan, the leader of the ARF faction in
parliament, commented on the actions of those alleging that the ARF
is a fake opposition party.

It is normal that opposition forces in transitional countries often
question the legitimacy of the authorities, Hovhannisyan said. "But
Armenia demonstrated it could be unique even in this field when one
part of the opposition is trying to question the legitimacy of the
other part of the opposition – not the authorities – in international
organizations. Never before, a vote has been conducted in the Council
of Europe – or other international organization – to determine who
is opposition in Armenia."

Hovhannisyan went on saying that this "unique" situation doesn’t help
Armenia’s image, and such methods blow serious hits to our image.