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Armenia-Turkey process must acknowledge all problems and challenges

The Civilitas Foundation

One Northern Avenue, suit 30
Yerevan, Armenia
tel: +37410500119
email: communications@civilitasfoundation.org

Vartan Oskanian responds to Tert.am on recent developments on
Armenia-Turkey relations.

Mr. Oskanian what is your opinion about recent developments in the
Armenia-Turkey process?

Vartan Oskanian: My opinion is the same as it was at the start of this
process. These documents are the product of miscalculations on both sides.

The Armenian side miscalculated, convinced that:
1. the Armenia-Turkey border opening is of existential importance for
Armenia’s domestic stability and economic development;
2. it will be easy for Turkey to go counter to Azerbaijan`s interests
3. If the document does not contain the words `Treaty of Kars,’
`genocide’ or `Nagorno Karabakh,’ then by utilizing state propaganda
mechanisms, it will be possible to convince the Armenian people that the
formulations that indeed address those matters are harmless.

The Turkish side miscalculated, convinced that:
1. the opening of the Armenia-Turkey border is so important for Armenia
that Turkey-centric formulations arrived at through clever diplomatic
machinations can eventually in fact be executed.
2. Genocide and other historical issues are solely Diaspora concerns and
not of particular interest to those living in Armenia.
3. a Karabakh resolution is close at hand, any signing the Armenia-Turkey
protocols and linking the ratification process to Nagorno Karabakh will
serve as additional incentive for the Armenian side to speed up the
resolution, or at the very least, return some territories.

Taking into consideration the great importance of normal relations between
Armenia and Turkey, there must be a review of this issue and a new approach
must be devised. The process toward improved relations will not succeed if
it is based on the short-term political interests of the Armenian or Turkish
governments, or if they overlook existing political and historical
complexities. Such a process must sincerely acknowledge all problems and
challenges if the purpose is indeed to achieve real and sustainable

Hambardsumian Paul:
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