NKR:The Speech Of President Of The Artsakh Republic Bako Sahakyan…


Azat Artsakh Newspaper NKR
February 03, 2010

Delivered at the reporting meeting of the Police board summarizing
the results of 2009 operative activities Respected servicemen of the
Police, First of all I would like to congratulate all of you on moving
to a new and comfortable building. I hope the improvement of working
conditions will have a positive impact on the work of the structure.
Our meetings and discussion of problems the Police face have become
both a good tradition and an acceptable working style.

Overall, I qualify satisfactory the work of the NKR Police in 2009.

Positive changes and shifts are evident. First of all, I would like
to emphasize the fact that the number of crimes has diminished by
98 cases. The crime rate per ten thousand people in the republic
constituted 41,1 against 48,5 in 2008. This is one of the lowest
figures worldwide, which, of course, testifies high level of social
security in our country. About 2% increase of criminal cases solved
rate is also positive trend. It has reached 92% in the republic,
while in the Kashatagh region the figure is 100%. The number of
criminal cases has diminished sharply; in capital Stepanakert
they diminished by 23%, in the Martakert region by 33% and in the
Askeran region by 43%. At the same time tangible increase of crime
cases has been registered in the Kashatagh and Shoushi regions –
52% and 84% respectively. The number of offences registered within
the sphere of crime detection has also increased sharply in the
Shoushi region, which gives rise to serious concern. Such state
of affairs is impermissible. The activities in this sphere should
be reinforced and favorable results should be achieved within the
shortest time possible, especially taking into consideration the
large-scale programs to be carried out in Shoushi by joint efforts
of the world-spread Armenians. Due to the purposeful activity carried
out in 2009 in the overall structure of crimes the number of offences
registered within the sphere of crime detection presenting utmost and
immediate danger for a person has decreased by 18%. The prevention
of second offences should be considered among the primary tasks. The
number of people committed second offence in 2009 more than 1.5 times
exceeded that of 2008, which is also the result of insufficient work
and weak control. District inspectors have to play a substantial role
in this sphere. Full-fledged activity of this important institute
should be in the spotlight of the Police leadership. In spite of
the fact that the rate of completed criminal cases being under the
conduct of investigators has essentially increased from 56% to 71%,
it is necessary pay serious attention to the double increase of the
cases completed with the violation of the schedule date. It reflects
insufficient level of professionalism, impartiality and resoluteness
of some servicemen of the Police. It is necessary further strengthen
the control over the custodial control. The registered suicide case
of in the pre-trial prison gives rise to serious concern.

In making struggle against criminality more effective the persistent
work directed at crime prevention is of utmost importance.

In this context it is important enlarge and further deepen cooperation
with appropriate structures. Tightening ties with the Police and other
structures of the Republic of Armenia is crucial too. The effective
resolution of the problems put before the Police to a great extent
depends on proper cadre policy. Certain work has been conducted in
this direction. The bulk of policemen are carrying out their duties
honorably. Corruption risks have decreased as a result of measures
undertaken in 2009. I have had an opportunity to assess this process.

However, all these do not mean that there are no unsolved problems
concerning the proper recruitment and appointment of cadres. The
authorities of the state in their turn will carry out necessary
measures to improve social and working conditions of the Police
servicemen. Summing up I would like to mention that the tasks of
the Police are difficult and responsible. It is also due to the
principle and purposeful work of this structure that legality, law
and order are preserved, the interests and rights of the citizens are
protected in our country. I want to be sure that the leadership and
every serviceman of the Police will keep doing his best to realize
the assigned tasks efficiently.

Thank you.