PRC Ambassador To Armenia Xon Juin’s Diplomatic Mission Nearing Comp


W ednesday, 3 February 2010

Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan received outgoing Chinese Ambassador
to Armenia Xon Juin to bid farewell on the end of his diplomatic
mission in our country.

The Prime Minister and the Ambassador availed themselves of this
opportunity to look back at joint efforts and outline prospects. The
Prime Minister noted with satisfaction that the relations between the
two governments are developing dynamically and assured of Armenia’s
willingness to further strengthen friendly ties and cooperation
with China.

On behalf of RA Government, Tigran Sargsyan thanked the Ambassador for
his tenure-long fruitful efforts and significant personal contribution
to the furtherance of the Armenian-Chinese ties, including the
preparation and implementation of a number of future-wise projects
covering industry, energy, agriculture, research and engineering,
as well as some other fields of activity.

With reference to bilateral cooperation, the interlocutors said
to be pleased with increased trade turnover, mutual confidence in
international affairs and expressed conviction that continued social,
political, economic and cultural interaction to the mutual advantage
will help build up confidence between the two countries.

The Prime Minister appreciated Armenia’s participation in the Shangai
Expo-2010 international exposition and thanked the government and
the people of China for assistance.

In conclusion, Tigran Sargsyan wished the Ambassador every success
in his future career.