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Roadmap For Pace



Interview with the member of the Armenian delegation to PACE, the
head of the NA commission on Euro integration issues Naira Zohrabyan

The co-reporters for Armenia at the PACE Monitoring commission John
Prescott and George Colombier issued a statement noting that the
Armenian government has to immediately fulfill the proposals of the
NA temporary commission to study March 1 events. They addressed a
letter to Hovik Abrahamyan in this connection. What would you say?

I am assuring you that nothing weird happened. The National Assembly
decided that the NA commission on state and legal issues will carry
out the monitoring of the fulfillment of the proposals of the NA
temporary commission on March 1. The NA commission on state and legal
issues has already convened two sessions. Samvel Nikoyan and I also
participated in the first session and presented some proposals. Any
parliamentary member can take part in the monitoring. The BHK will
focus its attention on the questions which we raised in the report of
the temporary commission on which the co-reporters also dwelt. They
consider urgent reforms in the justice and police spheres. The
coalition has to do everything possible to reach serious results
by March.

Will they manage to undertake serious steps by that time?

During two months, for example, serious reforms can be carried out
in the sphere of justice. But we need at least a roadmap to know the
direction we are going to take. We also need to make reforms to the
electoral code too but even if we have an excellent electoral code,
it will be very difficult to fight with the phenomenon of disservice.

Is it possible to make electoral breaches without the permission of

Yes it is. Such kind of people considers their holy duty to remain
in their ampoule. But it is doubtless that our electoral system and
electoral code need serious reforms.

Why are those guilty not punished?

I think time is needed for everything. After the last election at the
Constituency No. 10 several criminal cases were brought, elections
at several polling stations were declared invalid. Something is done,
but the question is whether that something is sufficient. I think it
is not.

Soon the second anniversary of March 1 events will mark. The
circumstances of deaths of ten victims have not been revealed yet.

What hinders the power to reveal March 1?

The March 1 case is at the Criminal Investigation. We would like the
deaths to be revealed and those responsible to be punished.

If the demands of the co-reporters are not fulfilled within the terms
they set will the question on Armenia’s punishment be brought up?

I am sure the National Assembly will carry out serious work in the
context of the reforms of the electoral code. As to the other issues
which the co-reporters raised such as reforms in the sphere of police
and justice, I would not dwell on them.

Anyway, is the style of the statement of the co-reporters not strange?

At all. They have just registered which of the PACE demands Armenia
fulfilled and which it did not.

Interview by ARMAN GALOYAN

Tatoyan Vazgen:
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