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West Has Denounced A Deal With Azerbaijan, Says Gasanguliyev


Feb 4 2010

West has denounced dealing with Azerbaijan, said Azerbaijani Deputy
Gudrat Gasanguliyev in an interview with Day.Az informational agency.

When asked whether the White House can ignore its ties with Turkey and
recognize the 1915 mass killing of Armenians in Turkey as Genocide, he
said: "I think when you say of the U.S.’s ignoring the state interests
in U.S.-Turkey relations then you shouldn’t speak referring to the
future as the White House already made nothing of that."

All these are due to the strong influence of Armenian Diaspora in
the U.S. who lobbies Armenia’s interests, supporting projects for
the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic, and the recognition of the Genocide.

"The U.S. Congress is used to blackmailing Turkey by statements
on recognition of the Genocide. So, they want to have control over
Turkey’s foreign policy. Actually, it’s possible that Congress can
recognize the Genocide, but this development has a low probability
as this would mean the end of U.S.-Turkey strategic partnership."

Meanwhile, recognition by the Congress the 1915 mass killings of
Armenians in Turkey as Genocide is gainful for Turkey, as finally the
White House would stop blackmailing Turkey and Turkey would be able
to be free in its foreign diplomacy, according to Gudrat Gasanguliyev.

When asked about the settlement to the Karabakh conflict, politician
said he didn’t think the superpowers’ position over the issue had
changed. "Mostly, they keep their own opinions and don’t go with
interests of Azerbaijan.

Talalian Arpi:
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