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Seminar On ‘Kashmir, Nagorno Karabakh-Festering Disputes’ Held


Associated Press of Pakistan
n=com_content&task=view&id=95799&Itemi d=2
Feb 5 2010

ISLAMABAD, Feb 5 (APP): A seminar " Kashmir and Nagorno
Karabakh-festering disputes" organized by Society of
Asian Civilizations Pakistan in collaboration with Preston
University, Islamabad & Embassy of Republic of Azerbaijan here on
Friday.Chancellor, Preston University Dr. Abdul Basit presented
the welcome address briefly and highlighted the contribution of
the university.He said it is time to bring the two issues together
which have a lot of similarities, adding that " we can create well
understanding on the both disputes."

Prof. Dr. ZA Qureshi highlighted the similarities between the two
disputes deliberated in his lecture.

While Dr. Tahir Amin of Quaid-i-Azam University pointed out in his
keynote address the significance of two disputes saying that it is
the need of the hour to realize gravity of the situation.

He urged the world community to play their due role for resolving the
two lingering disputes for peace of the region, adding that Indian
forces had occupied the best part of Kashmir.

Highlighting the similarities and dissimilarities, he said that Nagorno
Karabakh is historically the part of the Azerbaijan and Kashmir is
the issue of self-determination. He said that after 9/11 it is was
the ideal chance for resolving the Kashmir issue but we badly missed
the opportunity.

A. Rauf Khabia, Chancellor National Institute of Cultural Studies
Islamabad in his address said that Kashmir will be free one day and
their struggle of freedom will bear fruit. He said that Kashmir will
no more remain an occupied territory one day.

Ambassador of Azerbaijan Dr. Eynullah Madatli also spoke on the
occasion, he said that it is disappointing that Kashmir and Nagorno
Karabakh are still under foreign occupation. He stressed giving right
of self determination to the Kashmiris.

Highlighting the atrocities of Armenia in Nagorno Karabakh he said
that Armenia is occupying the 20 per cent area of Azerbaijan.

Dr. Ishtiaq Hussain a professor of International Relations also
presented his research paper on the two disputes.

Tumanian Talar:
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