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Studies From Yerevan State University Describe New Findings In Physi


Science Letter
February 2, 2010

"A theoretical study is presented on the statistical properties
of conductivity fluctuations caused by concentration and mobility
fluctuations of the current carriers. It is established that mobility
fluctuations result from random deviations in the thermal equilibrium
distribution of the carriers," scientists in Yerevan, Armenia report
(see also Physics).

"It is shown that mobility fluctuations have generation-recombination
and shot components which do not satisfy the requirements of
the central limit theorem, in contrast to the current carrier’s
concentration fluctuation and intraband component of the mobility
fluctuation. It is shown that in general the mobility fluctuation
consist of thermal (or intraband) Gaussian and non-thermal (or
generation-recombination, shot, etc.) non-Gaussian components. The
analyses of theoretical results and experimental data from literature
show that the statistical properties of mobility fluctuation and
of 1/f-noise fully coincide," wrote S.V. Melkonyan and colleagues,
Yerevan State University.

The researchers concluded: "The deviation from Gaussian statistics of
the mobility or 1/f fluctuations goes hand in hand with the magnitude
of non-thermal noise (generation-recombination, shot, burst, pulse
noises, etc.)."

Melkonyan and colleagues published their study in Physica B
– Condensed Matter (Non-Gaussian conductivity fluctuations
in semiconductors. Physica B – Condensed Matter, UNKNOWN

For additional information, contact S.V. Melkonyan, Yerevan State
University, Dept. of Physics Semicond & Microelect, 1 Alex Manoogian
Str, Yerevan 0025, Armenia.

The publisher’s contact information for the journal Physica B –
Condensed Matter is: Elsevier Science BV, PO Box 211, 1000 AE
Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Chakrian Hovsep:
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