President Of Armenia To Visit Syria In Second Half Of March


2010-02-09 13:07:00

ArmInfo. President of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan will pay an official
visit to Syria in the second half of March, Armenian Ambassador to
Syria Arshak Poladian told Syrian Al-Watan Daily.

The source reported that during the visit Serzh Sargsyan will meet
with his Syrian colleague Bashar Al- Assad. Serzh Sargsyan was to
visit Armenia yet in October 2009 but the visit was postponed.

Earlier on June 17 2009 the Syrian president with spouse Asma Al-Assad
paid a two-day official visit to Armenia.

Syrian Co-chair of the Armenian-Syrian Commission for Business
Cooperation Lion Zaki told AlWatan that the two presidents are expected
to discussed the arrangement made earlier as well as the ways to
bolster the trade relations of the two countries. Armenian-Syrian
Business Forum and Exhibition of Armenian products are expected in
Aleppo. L. Zaki forecasts that export of Syrian goods to Armenia will
grow 40% till the end of the year. After exhibition of Syrian goods
in Yerevan last autumn, Syrian has been developing export to Armenia,
he said.

Earlier during a Business Forum in Yerevan Chairman of the Armenian
Chamber of Commerce and Industry Martin Sargsyan told media that
Armenian House will be built in Aleppo where Armenian produce will be
exhibited and sold. During the visit of President Al-Assad to Armenia,
the Armenian and Syrian Economy Ministries signed an agreement to
promote mutual investments and defense sector. In addition, the Nature
Protection Ministries of the two countries signed an agreement of
cooperation in the ecology sector.

The Armenian Diaspora in Syrian comprises nearly 120,000 people. In
2008 the commodity turnover between Armenia and Syria amounted to
$5.99 million, unfavorable balance totaled $5.81 million. The share
of import of Syrian goods to Armenia was the largest – $5.9 million,
whereas export of Armenian produce to Syrian amounted just $90,000.

Armenia exports honey, carbide, paints and other produce to Syria and
imports shoes, medicines, citrus fruits, vegetables, nuts, washing
substances, jewelry and others.

The delegation led by Deputy Foreign Minister of Armenia Arman
Kirakosyan will be on an official visit to Syria on February 9-11 to
participate in political consultations between the Foreign Ministries
of Armenian and Syria as well as in opening of the Consulate in
Der Zor.