Safarian: President’s Message Doesn’t Make Great Sense


Feb 9 2010

Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan’s message to his Turkish counterpart
Abdullah Gul won’t make great sense for the international communities,
as it’s rather sent for internal affairs, said at the press conference
leader of the Heritage Party of Armenia Stepan Safarian.

He pointed that without any statements and messages it’s clear that
Armenia doesn’t protest against Armenia-Turkey relations.

"Via this message, President Serzh Sargsyan is trying to sign over
that he hasn’t got any problems in terms of normalisation of relations
with Turkey; he is interested in reconciliation and is moving forward,
while Turkey has lots of internal and external problems," said Stepan

When asked by Aysor’s correspondent if there are any links between
Armenian President’s visit to Great Britain and message to Abdullah
Gul, Stepan Safarian said that the UK had been carrying serious
activity in the region over past years. So, it’s impossible to ignore
its role.

"Armenian side, meanwhile, is trying to gain from Turkey’s position
of caprices, sensibilities and so on.’

According to politician, up to the moment Turkey hasn’t yet deployed
military troops in Afghanistan, which is the important goal of the UK
and US. "Taking into account all these, Armenian side is just trying
to suppress Turkey."