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A Reference Interconnection Offer Of ArmenTel CJSC Approved In Armen


2010-02-10 20:34:00

ArmInfo. The Public Services Regulatory Commission of Armenia (PSRC)
has approved a reference interconnection offer of ArmenTel CJSC
(branch of VimpelCom OJSC) for the operators of public networks of
mobile and fixed communication, as well as for operators of fixed
networks using telephone number with geographical codes.

According to the document, ArmenTel is to provide services related to
deployment of a connection point of the networks which are necessary
for connection of communication lines, as well as termination of
calls from other networks. The operator concluding an agreement with
ArmenTel is to deploy the connection point and termination of calls.

As regards deployment of new lines for interconnection, the sides
conclude additional agreements. Moreover, if ArmenTel needs additional
construction work to deploy the new lines of communication for
interconnection, the work is to be carried out at the expense of the
agreement partner in compliance with an additional agreement between
the sides, agreed technical conditions and cost sheet.

If deployment of the lines is carried out at the expense of the partner
operator and by the latter’s forces, ArmenTel is to provide the proper
technical conditions if needed and if possible. The agreement on
interconnection may be cancelled in case of violation of considerable
provisions, including regular violations of the traffic management

The deployment of a point of connection will cost 375,000 AMD
(VAT exclusive) per each E-1 port. The call termination cost within
ArmenTel’s fixed telephony network will make up 2.1 AMD in Yerevan and
8.33 AMD in the regions. The call termination cost within ArmenTel’s
mobile network at peak hours (07:00 AMD-11:00 PM) will be 19.83 AMD
till July 1 2010, 17.02 AMD and 14.21 AMD in the following six-month
periods and 11.40 AMD July 1 2011. From 11:00 PM to 07:00 AM the cost
will be 14.74 AMD July 1 2010 and 13.63 AMD, 12.51 AMD and 11.40 AMD,

Head of Legal Service of ArmenTel David Sandukhchyan regrets that
the company’s proposals have not been considered in the offer. As
a national operator, ArmenTel has undertaken the initiative to
draft and approve the inter-connection agreement and is ready to
cooperate with all alternative operators. ArmenTel has drafted the
agreement without waiting for similar initiatives by the other mobile
operators and has submitted relevant proposals to the Public Service
Regulation Committee. However, the company is not satisfied with the
inter-connection prices fixed by the Committee as they are too low.

"We regret that the Committee has ignored our proposals," says

Kalantarian Kevo:
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